(Registered with the Charity Commission no 1209479)
Find Freedom & Healing through the power of the Gospel
"But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent?” (ROM 10:14)
'Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference' in Lincoln, UK: 12-14 May 2023
Fri, 12 May
Teaching Conference to learn about the 5 Keys of Unbound Prayer ministry. Find out how to close the doors on sin and evil influences and live an abundant life in Jesus! Conference has the express permission of Heart of the Father Ministries.

Time & Location
12 May 2023, 17:30 – 14 May 2023, 17:30
Lincoln, Our Lady of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church, Laughton Way, Lincoln LN2 2HE, UK
About The Event
This Conference is being run with the express permission of Heart of the Father Ministries, USA. The "Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference" is a comprehensive presentation of the Unbound model based on the material found in the book: "Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance" by Neal Lozano.
The purpose of the conference is two-fold. Firstly, conference attendees receive the foundational teaching of Unbound in six sessions over a full weekend. Secondly, some attendees have the opportunity to receive ministry from a team trained to use the Unbound model.
There are 7 talks which will be presented in person by members of the Lincoln Unbound Team and also on Zoom by Matthew Lozano from Heart of the Father Ministries, the home of the Unbound model.
Matt Lozano serves as Director of Leadership Development for Heart of the Father Ministries. He has twelve years of teaching experience and holds a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Villanova University and a Master’s Degree in Theology from the Augustine Institute. He and his wife Jennifer have five children and live in the Philadelphia area. He is the author of "Free to be Holy" and co-author of the "Unbound Ministry Guidebook" and "Abba’s Heart".
For many years the Lozano's through "Heart of the Father" ministries, have been helping people achieve levels of peace and freedom that they never hoped to experience. Matt is an international speaker.
The five keys of Unbound are five practical keys to set us free from attitudes and behaviour patterns that block our way to being more effective Christians. The Conference will present a sound and practical way for Christians to experience a greater freedom from the influence of evil in their lives and to enjoy the fullness of life won for us by Christ’s death and resurrection. The teaching will assist those who have compassion to help others seeking the same freedom.
Please join us for this Conference which includes opportunities to practice these keys to freedom with trained prayer teams.
NOTE: To get the most out of the Conference, it is strongly recommended that prior to the Conference you read the first 9 chapters of Neal Lozano's book: "UNBOUND: A Practical Guide to Deliverance".
The book is available on several UK online bookstores including St Pauls Bookstore and Goodnews Books.
* £25 - Early bird until 11th April
* £35 - From 12th April
* £40 - On the door
1. Cancellations made seven (7) days or more in advance of the event date will receive a ninety (90%) percent refund with ten percent (10%) being retained to cover administrative and online registration costs.
2 Unfortunately, we will not accept cancellations requested within 7 days of the event due to already large adminstrative incurred costs. However, you may transfer your ticket to another person if you inform us of the change in details.
Our Lady of Lincoln Church is located just outside Lincoln. There is a large free Church Car Park and other parking near the Church. A number of buses pass the Church on Laughton Way which can be caught at the Lincoln Central Bus Station opposite Lincoln Train Station. There is a taxi rank at Lincoln Train station. Handsome Cabs and other Lincoln taxi services can also arrange to collect you.
There are many good hotels, B&Bs and Airbnbs in and around Lincoln. However, you will need a car or a taxi in most instances to get to Our Lady of Lincoln Church.
Try www.booking.com or www.hotels.com (or similar websites) for a good selection of hotels/BNBs. You may also want to try www.airbnb.com. The prices will vary depending on demand and amenities.
Please bring a PACKED LUNCH on BOTH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Tea, Coffee and water (on all days) is included in your ticket price. There is a Waitrose within a 5-10 min walk but no food otherwise available.
CONFERENCE SCHEDULE (subject to change)
FRIDAY ~ 12th May 2023
4pm Registration Opens - Church Hall Entrance.
5.30pm Praise & Worship
6.00pm MASS
6.45pm Welcome, Announcements & Introductions
7.00pm TALK 1: “Deliverance is a Good Word” (1hr)
8.00pm BREAK - Coffee & Biscuits (15 mins)
8.15pm TALK 2: "Repentance and Faith” Key 1 (1hr)
SATURDAY ~ 13th May 2023
9.00am MASS
10.00am Registration Opens & Praise & Worship
10.30am TALK 3: "Renunciation & Authority” Keys 3 & 4 (1hr 15min)
12.00 noon BREAK (15mins)
12.15pm TALK 4: "Forgiveness” Key 2 (1hr)
1.15pm LUNCH - Bring your own (1hr)
2.30pm TALK 5: “Ministry to Others / Partnering with the Holy Spirit” (1hr)
3.30pm - 6.00pm Choice of Activities:
- Unbound Ministry Sessions Start (Various Church Rooms/Church)
- Adoration / Time of Quiet Reflection / Music Ministry (Church)
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Lady Chapel)
6.00pm - DAY ENDS
6.00pm Vigil Mass (first Mass of Sunday - optional)
SUNDAY ~ 14th May 2023
8:30am Registration Opens
9.00am Praise & Worship
9.20am Announcements (5mins)
9.30am TALK 6: "Staying Free” (1hr)
10.30am “Heart of the Father Ministries” - Who are They? "Unbound UK" - Who are We? (15mins)
10.45am COMFORT BREAK (15mins)
11am MASS
12 noon LUNCH - Bring your own (1hr)
1.00pm Praise & Worship
1.30pm TALK 7: "The Father's Blessing - Key 5” (1hr)
2.30pm - 4.00pm Choice of Activities:
Unbound Ministry Sessions continue
Adoration / Time of Quiet Reflection / Music Ministry (Church)
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Lady Chapel)
4.30pm Testimonies, Announcements & Praise & Worship (1hr)
5.30pm Dismissal
For More Information on the Unbound Conference, please use the "Contact Us" page.
2 daysProposed Schedule
Church Hall